Power Plants!

At Fresh Living, we’re obsessed with helping make your home as perfect as possible for you – that’s why, with spring having sprung, we want to share the value and goodness of green in your home!

Greenery has a stack of benefits in creating a happy space; here are a few examples.


Air Quality? More like quality air!

We did our research – it’s worth noting that plants don’t have a major impact on oxygen levels in the home – it’s a marginal effect. However, their releasing of water into the air does marginally increase humidity, which can reduce dust levels, and regulate humidity in rooms!

Further, we lead into point number two:


Increased perceived quality of life

You read that right. Perceived quality of life. You know that fight or flight response that we all have? That’s the “lizard-brain,” or the early human instinct that made sure we always picked our battles and kept us alive. While the human mind was being cultivated, we lived outdoors, mostly; this is why we can have such a powerful response to plants – we perceive a relationship between quality of life and natural beauty. What better than greenery to represent natural beauty? Surveys have also shown that plants can improve business image; it creates a sense of trustworthiness, and that a given company cares for their staff’s well being.


Improved health

Piggybacking off of point number two, studies correlate time spent in nature with a better outlook on life than those who spend a fair amount of time indoors; considering how easy it can be to bring nature indoors, this is hardly a problem at all! Further, the act of caring for a plant triggers our nurturing instincts. In pulling our focus to something else, even if it’s only for a few minutes a week. Creating a little loop of routine is good for the mind, and caring for a life is good for the soul.


It’s the little things

Plants do far more good than just making us happier. Here’s a small list:

– silence is green: plant leaves can dampen sound waves and reduce echoing in a space
– adding plants to rooms where patients are recovering (even if it’s a child home for a sick day!) can help speed the process
– The fake thing works almost as well as the real thing – that’s right! Fake plants, and even pictures of greenery can make a significant difference in mood







