Chantal’s Top 5 Back-to-School Hacks!

Hi there! With the school year right around the corner and life for many parents looking a lot busier, Chantal wanted to deliver a few ideas your way that may help make the school year life easier! Enjoy!


#5: Bring in a Cleaning Team

The more time you save, the better, so of course we’re including this feature! Our team of professional cleaning enthusiasts can save you plenty of time in a week, and their eco-friendly cleaning solutions should give you peace of mind that your home is a healthier place! (A link to request a quote is at the bottom!)

#4: Making your mark

Creating uniqueness among classmates can be a challenge, so here are a couple of tips that will help! Firstly, colourful staples. How boring does this image below look? Take some of your favourite nail polish, run a line along the top of the staples, and when it dries, your kids will have something unique holding their work together! Warning: may create envy.

This one is more for the kind kiddo who often loses track of their goods: a line of craft tape (purchasable at craft stores) at the top of their pens mean if another kid borrows your child’s supplies, they’ll a) have a pretty solid mark as to who they or b) have a heck of a time trying to remove it!

#3: Time to wake up!!

First: limiting morning tasks can (and is) a chore in itself, but it can be very useful for those kids who like a pre-rise buffer window. Have them set out the clothes they’re going to wear the next day before bedtime. It’s small, but taking just one item out of the morning routine can make a big difference!

Second: let them experience being late. This one isn’t as easy if everyone has somewhere to be, but on that off-day, if they want to hit snooze six times, let ’em. Walking into class thirty minutes after the morning bell isn’t exactly a privilege they’ll be eager to repeat.

Third: make sure they’re getting enough sleep. Limit the devices they’re allowed to have in their room, and hold firm to that rule. It may end up making a difference!

#2: Crafty creations

How many of these things on the left do you go through in a week? Did you know they make excellent paint pots? The tops can be used to dredge paint off the end of your brush – no muss, no fuss! And we hear these cups are easy to collect.

Secondly: if you press a darker highlighter tip into the side of a lighter one, you can create multicoloured, striped highlighters! Test this one before fully applying it, but be warned; this one is slightly addictive! It definitely makes highlighting more fun.

#1: Designate a homework area

This tip works on multiple levels; to start, if you can, create a zone in the house where homework gets done. Not only will this allow you to control available distractions, it will allow that area to function as the designated “resupply” area – then, using the suggestions from tip #4, you can personalize their supplies and leave them in here for when they inevitably “run out of pens” (how does that keep happening!?)

We hope you enjoyed Chantal’s picks for ways to make your life easier this school year, and as promised, if Tip #5 looks enticing, check us out and we’d be happy to help!